A little girl in a cute red-hooded cloak skips on a path through the forest all the way to her grandmother's house, hoping to give her a basket filled with wonderful foods. As she naively walks and hums her way forward, a big, bad wolf sneakily trails her, intending to do nothing but harm to the sweet girl. The wolf approaches the girl with his devilish smile and ominously kind demeanor, tricking her into telling him where she's headed. While the girl innocently picks daisies, in courtesy of the wolf's good-natured suggestion, the wolf decides to hastily race over to Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother's cottage. After swallowing the poor old lady whole, he takes her clothes, dresses himself in them, and waits for Little Red, in hopes of fooling the quite oblivious child. Upon arrival, Little Red notices that her grandmother looks the slightest bit strange. She observes her deep voice, big eyes, large hands, and grown mouth. Suddenly, the wolf jumps out of bed and gobbles Little Red Riding Hood, finally having filled his big appetite. That is the end of our fable.
This sad story of Little Red Riding Hood is a tale known by almost all, but, unfortunate to say, this isn't quite how the story went. See, there was no wolf, nor grandmother, however, there was a little girl; a girl by the name of Beatrice. How absurd you must be thinking, but, just wait and listen, there's much to tell, for in every lie there is a truth and in every fantasy, there is most surely a reality. Let me tell you the true story of the quaint girl you know as Red Riding Hood.
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a girl named Beatrice DeLaRose. Beatrice was a happy and fun-loving girl, as we hope all little girls are. But, happiness never stays anywhere too long, for life is filled with too much tragedy to bear. At age seven, Beatrice faced cruel bullying, pushing her to want her death. At age sixteen, Beatrice had her heartbroken by a boy who foolishly played with her feelings. Hence, she soon found herself closed off to any joy. At age twenty, Beatrice was informed that she had cancer and her life had very little time 'til its end. In a blink of an eye, the sanity she desperately tried to hold onto slowly faded away. To say that she'd faced enough difficulty would have been a lie, for all of her trials created a tribulation that this darling girl would never be able to change.
See, it is our nature to hide when we're afraid, however, Beatrice did much more than that. Beatrice stopped being Beatrice. It first happened during the time that she was bullied. Every day she would blame herself, saying that it was her fault they didn't like her and she deserved to die. Rather than letting go of the world, she did something we would never have expected: Beatrice decided to disappear and, instead, create Selena. Selena was wonderfully charming and sweet with a personality that people couldn't help but adore. Beatrice's bullies very easily became Selena's friends and Selena felt happy to be loved.
Selena never stopped smiling and even came to love a boy - a boy she trusted would never hurt her. Sadly, trust can't always be trusted. With no remorse, this love soon turned into hatred, for he finally came up to her one day and told her the truth of a relationship that was only ever fated for anguish: "I never loved you, nor did I care about you the slightest. You were so attached, I thought it would be fun to mess around with the feelings that you cherished. You were foolish and oblivious, as you took my mockery for kindness. But, now, I have to say, I'm quite bored and tired, so it's best that we end things, while my attitude is at its finest. Seeing your face now, I have to say, your cute expression was all worth it. Hope you don't cry too much. Goodbye, dearest. Good blessings." She fell deep into despair and her whole world changed into something she couldn't handle. Hence, there came along Elliot.
Elliot was horrifyingly evil and didn't care about anyone else. He believed everyone around him was a liar and all of them only sought to hurt him. To Elliot, his family never loved him and his friends were just a gimmick. He felt no sorrow, nor merriment, for his heart was cold and filled with wickedness. Day by day, he gradually lost his own humanity, turning into a creature that only fed off his own selfish depravity.
Unexpectedly, Elliot soon came to know that he'd fallen ill and was dying. Without even realizing it, Elliot experienced the smallest moment of weakness, as his shock unwillingly overcame him. Despite his discarding of these feelings almost as soon as they came, an entity appeared and swiftly grabbed onto his emotions of fear and worry.
She held the name Emerald, very fitting of her indeed, for she was surely a glorious gem surrounded by a cave of uncertainty. She knew nothing but acceptance and gratitude, as if she was made for that purpose. Emerald accepted the fact that she had little time to live, yet couldn't help embracing all the thankfulness for the years she'd been able to relish. Emerald was, ironically, both old and young, although that may come as confusing. She lived in a body seemingly filled with so much youth, however, happened to have the behavior of a lovable, aged woman. She was naïve and wise and always remembered to smile; her character was unlike any other.
To our dismay, this was only the beginning. The true horror began on a gloriously bright day, where the flowers bloomed, the trees stood lavishly, and the sun shined with much earnest. Initially, Beatrice, the precious little girl, was not gone, but divulged in a deep slumber. She was hidden in a vast abyss and appeared destined to live in darkness. As her eyes remained closed, Serena, Elliot, and Emerald were able to live as one. Each of them took their place guiding Beatrice through the difficulties she had gone through. However, one day, things changed, when a sudden arise emerged within. Beatrice woke up and along came the terrible flood of emotions: loneliness, loss, confusion, panic, anger. It tore her to shreds. Everything she had felt amounted to unfathomable torment. Trying to close her eyes again, unfortunately, her sleep would soon come. Her life shattered into shards of glass, evidently blowing away as specs of sand.
Beatrice was dead; she was truly lost and couldn't turn back. The sweet smile that she had was gone and our Beatrice had ended without a sound. Still, there now remained the presence of the three who had taken away her life. Three different beings abided in a body they didn't own. However, it's not wrong to say that all of them wished to live, just as any human would do were they given the choice to stay.
As the body of the little girl neared death with every second, the emptiness and hopelessness edged on into existence. There began to be holes in Emerald's memory and moments she had no control over. Elliot was slowly breaking through and with it killing Emerald without mercy. The two clashed, fighting and holding on so dearly.
I assume the mind couldn't take it, but, then again, there's no telling how; Emerald and Elliot both gave way, but, in turn, merged into something foul. A putrid being with no heart, nor soul. Deceptive, manipulative, and cruel. Her female manner fooled everyone into believing she was delicate, disguised behind a horrifying smile. Every step was planned out, every action served her own purpose, for her greed hung over her with a power so incomparable. Her hatred was rooted down deep in her core, centered around unreasonable sorrow.
While this beast by the name of Isabella grew stronger, Selena kept to herself. The girl filled with love managed to come out in times of extreme happiness. Isabella knew that she was not the only one with control over this body of hers. She devised a plan to extinguish the life that still laid within her alive and annoyingly aflame.
Having been stowed away for fourteen years, Selena had never seen her parents. She missed them so dearly and would surely appear when given the opportunity. Isabella wrote a fake letter, seeming to be from her detestable mother, saying: "Selena, my darling, we've missed you and want to see your beautiful smile again. We're visiting in two days and we hope you'll meet us there with open arms. I love you, my precious." Isabella secretly mailed it to herself and, slowly but surely, Selena foolishly made her entrance. She didn't know that her parents would never acknowledge her, for they weren't even aware she existed.
However happy Selena was, she possessed a major flaw, for she was cowardly and weak and couldn't handle the slightest sight of sadness. But with a life of despair, there was no doubt; Selena would forcibly be reeled back into the depth that she advanced from. As Isabella awoke into a conscious state, she knew that her plan was working. Now the only thing left to do was wait until her parents arrived...and kill them.
Only seeing her loved ones lying in a pool of death would end Selena's life indefinitely. And, anyways, it wasn't like her parents were of any use. They were her own disposable puppets that continued to act like this whole charade were of their own accordance.
They visited every week, just to "check-up and see how things were going." The day approached and Isabella had everything set. It was time to end things. They tended to stay all night in the hospital with her, disgustingly sleeping away, holding her hand and snoring. As they both were sound, not making a peep, Isabella slipped out of her bed and tiptoed to where her father was sleeping. He was sitting on the floor, right next to her bed, but she knew he was all but lying. He didn't care about her, nor did that horrid wife of his. Now, it was finally her turn to show how little she thought of them. With a smile on her face, she took out her knife and slit his neck that easily. His head bounced off the ground and rolled under the bed; the blood squirting out of his neck reminded her of a mini water fountain. Isabella watched it, awfully trying to refrain from laughing. Things were going too well for this treacherous scheme of hers, but she wasn't complaining.
"Hello, Mother. I promise I won't miss you." She tightly gripped her knife and then, with one stroke, pierced her in half; the upper part of the dead body slid off and banged into the ground, splashing in its own fluid. Her mother's eyes were closed, just like her father's. "How generous of me to kill them as they fold into a peaceful doze. You're welcome. Glad I won't see you again."
Tears streamed from Isabella's face, no, rather, it was Selena. She forced her way out, hopelessly wanting to stay with her parents. Selena felt no joy, nor a single ounce of love, for all those she cared about were gone. Looking at these distortedly gruesome figures, she was tortured to no end. Her life began to dim as her spirit rested in the pool of blood, cloaked by a gory hood of pain and agony. Without realizing it, she'd worn her bloodied destiny with oblivion and pride. And so this wonderful girl that only sought to love had now become our late Little Red Riding Hood.
Isabella had won. The end.